MOOC – Circular Economy and innovation (in English)

The people behind the production of 64 videos on the circular economy have provided access to 30 of them with English subtitles. And here is the background to the videos – this time in English.

Satisfying our basic needs while breaking with the dominant linear logic of « extracting, manufacturing, consuming, throwing » which generates an irrational exploitation of the resources of our planet and a deep disturbance of the biosphere system : here is the objective of the circular economy.
Its ambition is to promote less costly consumption and production patterns, which, with equal service, make it possible to reduce the quantities of materials and energies put into circulation, while relying on those resulting from the reuse of products throughout their life cycle or their final recycling.
The flagship theme of the September 2013 environmental conference, it is today in France one of the pillars of the ecological transition, It is also a strong strategic orientation of countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, China and Japan.


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