The Circular Economy CYCLE project

The idea of the Circular Economy is a response to the aspiration for sustainable growth in the context of the growing pressure of production and consumption on the world’s resources and environment. The greening of the European economy, as outlined in the EU 2020 strategy, will have profound effects on the labour market and the development of the skills of the European population.

Making the transition to a circular economy requires a pressing need for new skills, competences and approaches. Education, and training have a critical role to play in delivering and updating relevant skills.

The Erasmus Plus CYCLE project is intended to create a set of tools and resources to support adult trainers contributing to the development and expansion of their professional and educational skills in the circular economy. The project runs from October 2017 to September 2019.

Cycle Competence Centre (CYCLE CC) is the hub where educators can find training and guidance tools to help them introduce circular economy in different learning environments.

You can find educational resources in six languages on our platform. The different sites can be accessed via the top menu or the menu to the right. The national sites may vary in content and representing as well the national contexts.

For more information please contact: Lina Klemkaite, Dramblys, Spain: all [dot] ears [at] dramblys [dot] org and visit our website on